You're fine using their shipped in device advantage, unless you don't want to give away umpteen percent of your revenue (or jack the price up accordingly for the customer).
Maybe you want to ship something that competes with, or blocks a service that the app store duopoly builds into other products that they also make, but would fall foul of their app store t's & c's written to protect other digital revenue streams.
We provide a safe place for users to download apps that are vetted to meet one statement:
1. Does the app do what it advertises that it does,
2. without undertaking any additional unadvertised activity, or
3. manipulate or transmit your data in ways that would typically be considered nefarious?
Everything else, we leave up to legislation and law enforcement
We don't need to know... So there's no log in.
In fact, we collect only 2 pieces of data, as follows:
1. When you load the app - it sends a ping to our server - explaining what version of the app is being run.
It tells us how often the app is being used and what versions are active in the community.
2. When you click on the download / update app button, the app pings our server telling us that the button has been pressed for a specific app - so we can understand which apps get downloaded and when.
This will eventually be shared with the community so app developers and users can see the popularity of the app.
We collect nothing else about you (i.e.: your name, IP address, device type, how many toes you have).
We just aren't interested!
This is currently a bootstrapped project, but the plan is to build out the platform, handing control over to the community as we define, launch and adapt features into a suitable proposition.
See Captain's ideas and feature developments on this Trello board.
Look out for this button. It links to a brighter future for smartphone users and provides new choice for Android phone users.